The Historia Supellexalis C for Cranbrook Academy of Art


An Alma Mater; An Academy of Art; A colony of experimentation

Our deliberations on Bauhaus and music very naturally led us to a whole raft of further deliberations on the associations between music and other forms of creative expression; and for all the question, given that so many of those Bauhäusler who had/could have had second careers as musicians were artists, are there designers who have/had second careers as musicians…….

…….of course there are……

6 D 030 Z by Charles Ray Eames for Evans for Zenith Radio. Designers can create the means to enjoy music, but also make music to enjoy.....

Pleasureground am Bad from Hermann Fürst von Pückler-Muskau's book, Andeutungen über Landschaftsgärtnerei 1834 (Courtesy of the Bundeskunsthalle Bonn)

Whereas April showers tend to make you wet, grumpy and late, May showers are much more agreeable – or more

Browsing in our Pictorial Review archive it appears March 2013 was “a month of travelling: Stuttgart, Chemnitz, Weimar, Dessau….. its

Harry Bertoia 1915 1978

“I am rather silent, resolute and industrious. I can use any tool or machinery with dexterity.” So described a 21

Playboy Architecture 1953 1979 Deutsches Architekturmuseum Frankfurt am Main

It is a universally acknowledged fact that men only buy Playboy to read the articles. And we only visited the