smow Blog

Dark Lime Vitra Panton Chair Summer Cocktail Competition: The Verdict

The winner the Dark Lime Vitra Panton Chair Summer Cocktail Competition is Alessandro Barison.

Congratulations !!!

His “Spritz Upgrade” – essentially a classic Spritz with sparkling water and orange juice – or a Bucks Fizz with Aperol as one jury member commented – was the unanimous victor.

The principle reason given being that the addition of the orange juice and water lightened the drink, or at least the perception of the drink, making it a wonderful accompaniment to a hot summers afternoon and a long, muggy evening.

Once again congratulations to Alessandro, thank you to all others who entered and for all who didn’t win more information on the limited edition Dark Lime Vitra Panton Chair can be found at “Summertime in dark lime

And all submitted cocktail recipes can be found here

Dark Lime Vitra Panton Chair Summer Cocktail Competition: The Winner

Summertime in dark lime: Spritz Upgrade by Alessandro Barison