smow Blog

Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat… if Verner Panton had ever visited us, that is where he would have sat

If purple is the second colour of mourning; then citrus colours are unquestionably the second colour(s) of Christmas.

Be it the orange of an orange, the lemon of a lemon or the dark lime of a Vitra Panton Chair.

Launched by Vitra in July as a special summer 2011 edition the Dark Lime Panton Chair was released as a strictly limited edition piece.

And the (smow)warehouse is down to the last few examples……

And just like mince pies – when they’re gone. They’re gone!

Unlike mince pies however there aren’t any more in the oven warming gently.

Gone is gone.

A Christmas tree. Warm mulled wine. Angelic voices filling the room with gentle song. And a dark lime Vitra Panton Chair.

What could be more festive!

The Ghost of Christmas past enters into the festive spirit with a Vitra Dark Lime Panton Chair