smow Blog

Cirkel by Daphna Laurens at Galerie Gosserez

Although we beef a lot about the amount of time we have to spend travelling to ensure that the (smow)blog remains Europe’s premier product design blog, there are a lot of nice things on the European design circuit.

Stockholm on a crisp February evening. The vegetarian catering at Neue Räume Zürich. Daphna and Laurens.

Two of the nicest people you can meet.

As they once again proved when we bumped into them in Eindhoven during Dutch Design Week.

Cirkel by Daphna Laurens at Galerie Gosserez

And you’ve got the chance to meet them as well; if  you happen to be in Paris on November 24th.

Galerie Gosserez have long been keen supporters of Daphna Laurens and on November 24th will open an exhibition featuring the pair’s newest collection. Created exclusively for Galerie Gosserez, “Cirkel” is, according to the press information, inspired by Bauhaus and Russian Constructivism and explores the theme of circles.

We’ve not seen the work and so can’t say much more or indeed comment on it.

However, we’re huge fans of almost everything that Daphna Laurens have produced, and certainly hope to be able to continue enjoying their work for a good of number of years to come.

We sadly won’t be in Paris on the 24th; somewhat ironically given  Cirkel’s provenance, a prior engagement at Bauhaus Dessau keeping us in our eastern German home.

But Daphna and Laurens will be there.

Which is reason enough to attend.

Cirkel by Daphna and Laurens can be viewed at Galerie Gosserez, 3 rue Debelleyme, 75003 Paris until January 14th.

The exhibition opens with cocktails on Thursday November 24th at 6pm

Full details can be found at: