smow Blog

From Bookcases to Corporate Identities. Moormann – Your One Stop Shop.

nils holger moormann designtage brandenburg potsdam

Nils Holger Moormann @ Designtage Brandenburg in Potsdam

On Friday last week we were at a discussion in Potsdam where Nils Holger Moormann spoke as eloquently and convincingly as ever about the advantages of long lifecyles for furniture and the continual development that is possible when one understands furniture as an evolving entity and not as a quick, profit generating, commodity.

Referring, for example, to the FNP shelving system he commented, something along the lines of: even after 25 years one always finds new ways of extending and developing the system.

And it’s not just the company’s own products that are continually reworked and developed.

Inspired by the (smow)graphic department’s sensitive yet unsentimental reworking of Moormann’s former, as one now must correctly say, square logo, the good folks in Aschau put aside the pre-Christmas workload stress to help (smow) achieve a more fitting, modern corporate identity.

One of the new logos they created can be found at the top left of this page.

And indeed so happy are the (smow)bosses with the work delivered thus far, they are currently considering if they shouldn’t ask Moormann to create a logo for the new (smow)room Stuttgart. The question is, if that isn’t asking too much of the Chiemgau creative forge…..

An early attempt by (smow)blog to elongate the Nils Holger Moormann logo.