In the exhibtion A Chair and You at the Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig, there is more than A Chair and You can look at them, study them, explore them, converse with them. But not sit on them.

In the presentation Stühle zum (Be)Sitzen on the first floor landing of the Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig, there is more than A Chair and You can look at them, study them, explore them, converse with them. And sit on them.

Thirteen chairs which unite more than just thirteen definitions of ‘A Chair’, and more than just thirteen different seating experiences…..

Stühle zum (Be)Sitzen, a smow Pop-up, Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig

Ciao Salone!

Servus Salone!!

Amongst the European designer furniture publishers Nils Holger Moormann has long stood out from the crowd, and that primarily because Nils Holger Moormann has never sought the crowd, has always done Nils Holger Moormann’s thing, not the crowd’s thing, and who in doing such has very much, and very justifiably, attracted a crowd lot of individuals.

Thus while other furniture publishers dance to the tune of the international trade fair crowd, Nils Holger Moormann organise their own trade fair.

Ciao Milano!

Servus Aschau!!

Nils Holger Moormann presents Salone di Aschau 2024

The Historia Supellexalis M for Moormann

A Nils Holger; An Autodidact; A Restlessness

When we spoke with designer Patrick Frey in context of our #campustour, the plan was quite simply to discuss contemporary design education; however, the natural flow of the conversation took us in a raft of interesting directions, including his experiences as a freelance designer, the question of development payments in the furniture industry and the background to his and Markus Boge’s joint diploma project, a project in many regards personified by the tables Kant and Marketing.

Kant by Patrick Frey & Markus Boge for Nils Holger Moormann

German designer Klaus Hackl’s understanding of design is one based on the principle of evolution not revolution, of understanding the context in which a project arises, and of the value, and logic, of craft processes and craft scale production. And of the value, and logic, of craft processes and craft scale production augmented by digital technology.

Keen to learn more, we met up wit Klaus Hackl in Munich….

Flare by Klaus Hackl for Hausgenossen (Foto Eva Jünger, courtesy Klaus Hackl)

With Holzklasse designer Nils Holger Moormann and VW bus fabricator CustomBus have brought Moormann design to the highways, and for all, the byways.

Master of all he surveys....

February 2015 saw us break new ground and make our first visits to Munich Creative Business Week, the magnificently monikered

Nils Holger Moormann

In our post from the exhibition Schrill Bizarr Brachial. Das Neue Deutsche Design der 80er Jahre at the Bröhan Museum

smow australia

For many, the darkest, furthest removed edge of the (smow) universe is (smow) Chemnitz. (smow) however reaches further. Much further.

smow köln

Expansion. It’s not always good. Waistlines. Overdrafts. Weeks since you last phoned your mother. For example wouldn’t be good. Business

As we noted in our designer barbecue post “… summer is bidding its final farewells” And with autumn’s impudent chill

Milan Design Week 2013 Moormann non è presente

In little under a week the Doors of Hell will once again open to release Milan Design Week on our

nils holger moormann designtage brandenburg potsdam

On Friday last week we were at a discussion in Potsdam where Nils Holger Moormann spoke as eloquently and convincingly

Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazine Der frühe Vogel Sebastian Herkner

Those of you who actually read what we write rather than simply enjoying our genre redefining photography * will know

Harry Thaler Pressed Chair Nils Holger Moormann

At Milan 2011 Moormann presented the prototype of Pressed Chair by Harry Thaler. At Milan 2012 the market ready version

Back at Qubique Berlin we spoke to Nils Holger Moormann, and in addition to discussing the number of days spent

messe frankfurt messeturm

A couple of years ago we were sat, late one Friday evening, in the kitchen in the Moormann Berge in

Although officially a company fete at which Moormann wanted to thank their partners, dealers, designers et al for the good

Die Hölle von Aschau 2011 smow bookinist race

Away from the race track a real highlight of “Die Hölle von Aschau” was the Concours d’Élégance. Ahead of the

Vienna Design Week Global Village WAGNER WERK Museum

Back in the 80s there was nothing Hannibal Smith liked more than when a plan came together. Obviously we don’t

Twenty four hours before Sebastian Vettel sealed his second F1 drivers title in Japan, Markus Jehs and Jürgen Laub were

kampenwand Chiemgauer Alpen Aschau

As we stood in a cold-storage centre in west Vienna looking at Ljod by Copa, somehow we knew it was

Moormann Pressed Chair Harry Thaler

At Fuori Salone Milano 2011 we helped Moormann construct their stand. And of course took the opportunity to chew the

Once a month we visit a trade fair. We don’t always want to – but we always have to. We

Or indeed any side table from Moormann. Based in a remote alpine valley hard on the Germany/Austria border it is