With Nils Holger Moormann at the Leipzig Baumwollspinnerei Spring Rundgang 2013

As we noted in our designer barbecue post “… summer is bidding its final farewells

And with autumn’s impudent chill invading ever more our pastoral calm the time for our hibernation approaches. And so we’re currently exploring accommodation options.

Fortunately it’s been a bit of a “small house year” in these pages with, for example,  Renzo Piano Building Workshop and Vitra’s Diogene or Jean Prouve’s Maison des Jours Meilleurs occupying our thoughts.

Our first contact with reduced room accomodation however came in May when (smow) made their debut at Leipzig’s premier contemporary art showcase, the Baumwollspinnerei Rundgang, a debut ably supported by a small Moormann house.

Back in 2006 Nils Holger Moormann released Walden, a sleek, unobtrusive outdoor construction inspired by the book “Walden; or, Life in the Woods” by Henry David Thoreau.

Featuring storage space, a barbecue, seating and even a sky lounge, Walden offers everything you could possibly require for a few relaxed days out of doors. Be that in the woods as Thoreau recommended, on the side of a lake or simply at the bottom of your garden.

At the 2006 “The Design Annual” trade fair in Frankfurt, Moormann celebrated their new product with a specially adapted, and anything but unobtrusive, version of Walden as their fair stand: and a couple of years ago that very stand was, legally, acquired by (smow)

And so it came to pass that for the 2013 Spring Rundgang the former Moormann fair stand was selected to provide the central focus of the (smow) (self)presentation.

It just had to be constructed.

Before the act the warnings were of a building process of biblical proportions, weeks would be required boomed the Gods of Doom, the service of a veritable plaque of Bavarian engineers was prophesied.

In the end it took a little over two and half minutes…..

More inspiration?

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