smow Blog

(smow) blog compact: Young Architects from Germany at the Museum of African Design Johannesburg, South Africa

Parallel to the exhibition “Aus allen Richtungen” at the AIT ArchitekturSalon in Cologne and its exploration of 30 young German architects relationships to their profession, the Johannesburg Museum of African Design presents examples of how 12 young German architects transform this philosophical relationship into tangible projects.

Focussing on projects realised since 2004 outwith Germany the exhibition presents projects by a dozen young architects/architectural practices which in the words of the organisers aim to go beyond the popular media interest for spectacular architecture and rather present examples of innovative contemporary projects which focus on the specific location for which they were created. And just as importantly, the specific user-group for whom they were created.

To this end the exhibition features, amongst others projects, Berlin based Haberland architect’s extension of the Canton schools in Rychenberg and Im Lee, Switzerland, the urban planning projects undertaken in Sibiu and Cluj, Romania by Bamberg based plan&werk or the so-called Haus AvSJJF in Amsterdam by Amsterdam based, Krefeld born Claudia Schmidt aka MIR architects. In addition to examples of actual building projects Young Architects from Germany also presents examples of interior design and landscape architecture projects, thus providing as wide an impression as possible of the contemporary architecture profession.

A touring exhibition organised by the Federal Chamber of German Architects in conjunction with the Stuttgart based Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations, Young Architects from Germany has already been shown in various global locations. The presentation at the Museum of African Design represents its first visit to Africa

Young Architects from Germany runs at the Museum of African Design, 281 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg 2094, South Africa from Friday August 29th until Sunday September 21st.

Full details can be found at

The interior design of the Cotton House, Manchester by Mueller Kneer Associates, one of the projects featured in Young Architects from Germany at the Museum of African Design Johannesburg (Photo: Rolant Dafis Courtesy of The Museum of African Design)