Amongst the great many delights of the exchange, the interplay, between German and English is the word ‘Gift’:

German English
Gift Poison
Geschenk Gift

An interplay that, apart from all the other joys it brings, allows one to rephrase Virgil’s “timeō Danaōs et dōna ferentēs” ‘Beware Greeks bearing gifts’ as ‘Beware Germans bearing Gift‘.🤣

With the exhibition The Gift. Stories of Generosity and Violence in Architecture the Architekturmuseum der TU München explore architecture as a Geschenk and architecture as a poison…….

The Gift. Stories of Generosity and Violence in Architecture, Architekturmuseum der TU München

“Reinforced concrete is the best constructional material yet devised by mankind”, enthused the Italian civil engineer Pier Luigi Nervi in 1956.1

A position Nervi spent a circa sixty year career arguing for, both in innumerable texts and through a canon of varied, and varyingly challenging, constructions throughout Italy, and much further afield. And in doing so Pier Luigi Nervi not only helped advance a popular acceptance of reinforced concrete as a construction material, but also helped develop an argument that in context of our built environment how we construct is, in many regards, more important than what we construct. An argument that has lost none of its contemporaneous since Pier Luigi Nervi first advanced it…….

Pier Luigi Nervi (1891 1979)

“We must endeavour to introduce a little order into this business, or at least sense into a great deal of it. But what is sense without order? We must try to find some method of arriving at some sort of order – one that will at least enable us to escape from this vagueness in the design of colour”, opined Amédée Ozenfant in 1937.1

And had an idea or two as to the how…….

Not directly associated with Amédée Ozenfant, but being as it is the house next door to the house/studio designed by Le Corbusier for Amédée Ozenfant in Paris in 1922 (the one on the right-hand side), is a nice metaphor of the dearth of images of Amédée Ozenfant and/or his work available: it's the next best thing. Also because it very neatly mirrors Amédée Ozenfant's 1937 views on ivy and Virginia creeper....... (photo by Mbzt via CC BY 3.0)

With their eyes fixed firmly on the road ahead, the riders in the 2017 Tour de France prologue time trial through the streets of Düsseldorf on July 1st will have no thoughts for the buildings they pass.

Which is a shame, because as a city Düsseldorf has more than its fair share of buildings which are not only architecturally interesting and important, but whose stories are often interesting and important in wider cultural contexts.

Interesting and important architecture and stories the Tour de France competitors could become acquainted with. If they just slowed down.

Cycling at a pace which allows one to enjoy Dusseldorf's architecture, such as the 1926 Rheinterrasse

Entrance to Station Stadtpark by Otto Wagner (Photo: Manfred Helmer, © and courtesy Wiener Linien)

If the (hi)story of 20th century architecture and design is unimaginable without the contribution made by Austria/Hungary/Austria-Hungary; then the contribution

Berenice Abbott PhBerenice Abbott - Photographs at the Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlinotographs at the Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin

“Photography is the medium par excellence of our time. As a visual means of communication, it has no equal.”1 So

Nadav Kander Chongqing IV (Sunday Picnic)

As many of you will be aware, among the myriad of things that regularly get our goat, architecture photography is

Berlinische Galerie Küchenmonument raumlabor Berlin

Am Anfang war der Pneu – first there was air – so hypothesised the German architect and master of lightweight

Mueller Kneer Associates The Cotton House Manchester Young Architects from Germany

Parallel to the exhibition “Aus allen Richtungen” at the AIT ArchitekturSalon in Cologne and its exploration of 30 young German

Park-Café Rheinpark Koln

Popular opinion is that old buildings deserve be preserved, restored, used and loved. Popular opinion however has a very singular

Umbau Handschunäherei zu Wohnungen, Limbach-Oberfrohna Reichel Schlaier Architekten Stuttgart 2

“Potentially it is the simplest assignments, unencumbered by the complex mix of functional, technical or economic conditions, that allow an

Haus am Waldsee Berlin Ola Kolehmainen Geometric Light Hagia Sophia year 537 III Untitled No 6 2014

“When I walk into a building I see space, light and colour”, so explains the Finnish photographer Ola Kolehmainen his

Aus allen Richtungen Positionen junger Architekten im BDA Wechselraum Stuttgart ern+ heinzl architekten Atelier 30 Architekten

Until August 16th the architecture gallery Wechselraum in Stuttgart is presenting the exhibition “Aus allen Richtungen. Positionen junger Architekten im