smow Blog

(smow) blog compact DMY Berlin Special: All of a Piece by Earnest Studio and Dana Cannam

Those of you who followed our sadly demised Posterous account – Why Twitter? Why? – will recall our joy at seeing the Bravais Desk by Canadian born, Rotterdam based designer Dana Cannam at the “Thoughts of Home” showcase during Dutch Design Week 2011.

A wonderfully charismatic product Bravais impressed/impresses with its obvious functionality and effortlessly reduced form. Equally as effortlessly reduced is the modular tableware system “All of a Piece” developed by Dana Cannam in cooperation Rachel Griffin aka Earnest Studio

We first saw “All of a Piece” during Berlin Design Week 2013 where it was included in the In-House Objects showcase at Baerck, and were instantly taken not only with is wonderful practicality but also its aesthetic charm.

This year it can be enjoyed in the central exhibition at the DMY Berlin festival.

Comprising four elements crafted in marble, granite and wood, All of a Piece allows the user to create their own tableware to suit the immediate requirements; be that a chopping board, serving plate, presentation plate, crisp server, table decoration or simply as a trivet.

And if that wasn’t enough LED strips can be added between the elements to create subtle background lighting.

For us the genius of All of a Piece is that it negates the need to have cupboards full of crockery, the majority of which will only be very, very rarely used.

And anything that allows us to consume less, has to be good.

DMY Berlin 2014: All of a Piece by Earnest Studio and Dana Cannam