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IMM Cologne 2015: Erleuchtung Kräutergarten by Elisabeth Kocher and Anna-Lena Bast

In our post on Plug Lamp by Form Us With Love for Ateljé Lyktan, we posed the question “where in Hades if not while at your desk are you likely to need both a light and a plug?”

And where, if not in your kitchen are you likely to need both a light and herbs?

Presented as part of the Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart Interior Design department’s IMM Cologne showcase “Wir bitten zu Tisch”, the Erleuchtung Kräutergarten – Enlightening Herb Garden – by Elisabeth Kocher and Anna-Lena Bast provides both in one genuinely endearing product.

No, there is no need for such.

Yes, you could just have a separate lamp and a separate herb pot.

But, as Elisabeth Kocher and Anna-Lena Bast delightfully demonstrate, one can also combine the two in a playful, elegant and very contemporary product that adds a new dimension to your kitchen and through the disruption of the conventional lines of vision helps form a new room aesthetic.

And we don’t doubt for a minute that one need be limited to herbs.

Or the kitchen.

All in all a delightful project and one we hope Elisabeth and Anna-Lena get the opportunity to develop further.

IMM Cologne 2015: Erleuchtung Kräutergarten by Elisabeth Kocher and Anna-Lena Bast

IMM Cologne 2015: Erleuchtung Kräutergarten by Elisabeth Kocher and Anna-Lena Bast