As the old proverbs teach us, Waste Not, Want Not!

And, all that (g)litters is gold!

With the exhibition Pure Gold. Upcycled! Upgraded! the Museum für Kunst & Gewerbe Hamburg not only demonstrate the inherent value that can exist in apparent waste, but also how understanding that inherent value could help us reduce future waste problems.

Pure Gold. Upcycled! Upgraded!, at Museum für Kunst Gewerbe Hamburg

Transformationen Konzepte der Umnutzung von Dingen Werkbundarchiv Museum der Dinge Berlin Tub-Chair Michael Kapfer

The best form of recycling is not to produce things in the first place. However, until every one understands that,

About a 100 years ago we mentioned Platform 21and their Repair Manifesto. Inspired by yesterdays rant against designers who find

Every month Jasper Morrison sends a photo to the Vitra Magazine. And every month Vitra publish it. Every month we