Dutch Design Week 2010: Le Chat Perche by Chloe Pouzoulet

According to the ever accurate wikipedia Eindhoven has a population of some 214,000.

On Sunday’s the population of Eindhoven is around 214.

Eindhoven on a Sunday morning is a lonely and forbidding place.

Gesloten is Dutch for “Closed”

The parallels – typographic as well as semantic – with Get Lost are unmistakable.

Even the bakers are closed. We can’t remember the last time we were in a century, sorry city, where bakers close on a Sunday.

Eindhoven on a Sunday morning is not for the faint hearted. Or the hungry.

Le Chat Perche by Chloe Pouzoulet at Atelierdorp Gets Closer, Eindhoven

Le Chat Perche by Chloe Pouzoulet at Atelierdorp Gets Closer, Eindhoven

Fortunately from 11 am onwards our day improved dramatically.

One of the highpoints – almost literally- was Le Chat Perche by Chloe Pouzoulet on show at the Atelierdorp exhibition “Atelierdorp Gets Closer”

French born Chloe started studying at the Eindhoven Design Academy in 2004 and first collaborated with the loose design collective Atelierdorp in 2008.

Le Chat Perche is a wonderful bookcase come quite reading hole.

On the one hand a Lese+Lebe from those who prefer their private space, Le Chat Perche is also perfect for those of us with lots of reading material, but for whom space is of a premium. Or for use in kids room, as their own private space in which to read, draw or simply snooze.

Although the Le Chat Perche in Eindhoven is very bare and raw, as Chloe says, the user brings the life into it. Fit it out with cushions, blankets and a small reading lamp and you’ve got the perfect literary hideaway.

But even as it is, the concept blew us away.

“Atelierdorp Gets Closer” is on show until October 31st at Vonderweg 11 5611 BK Eindhoven.

The (smow)blog photo blog from Dutch Design Week, Orgatec, Grassimesse and Designers’ Open can be found at smow.tumblr.com

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