smow blog 2015. A pictorial review: December
Published on 03.01.2016
December is famously a half month - no one does anything useful in the second half of the month, unless eating, drinking and stressing can be considered useful! We however managed to more than fill the first half of December 2015 with Berlin based Bora Hong's cosmetic surgery of the Eames LCW, the architecture of Ferdinand Kramer in Frankfurt and a very long chat with Köln International School of Design director, and neuen Deutschen Design protagonist, Wolfgang Laubersheimer.

Cosmetic Surgery Kingdom-Bora Hong@Keum Art Projects, Location Partner: Gallery VOLUME Berlin

Frankfurt University Jügelhaus before and after, as seen at Line Form Function. The Buildings of Ferdinand Kramer, the Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt

Verspanntes Regal by Wolfgang Laubersheimer and Mai '68 by Detlef Meyer Voggenreither, as seen at Schrill Bizarr Brachial. Das Neue Deutsche Design der 80er Jahre, Bröhan Museum Berlin
#Berlin #Bora Hong #Charles and Ray Eames #cologne #Ferdinand Kramer #Frankfurt #köln #lcw #Wolfgang Laubersheimer