The Historia Supellexalis J for Jongerius


A Hella; A Lab; An Open-ended exploration

As the title of Hella Jongerius’s 2016 book I don’t have a favourite colour succinctly explains, Hella Jongerius doesn’t have a favourite colour.

Not that Hella Jongerius is indifferent about colours.

Far from it.

And in explaining why colours are important to her, and why she doesn’t have a favourite colour, Hella Jongerius helps one approach a better understanding not only of colours, nor only of our relationships with and to colours, but also helps one approach a better understanding of the functionalities of colour…….

The Polder Sofa by Hella Jongerius for Vitra.... Proof, were it needed, that Hella Jongerius doesn't have a favourite colour.....