Category: Vienna Design Week

Vienna Design Week 2013 Passionswege Riess Oscar Wanless

It seems somehow fitting that our first post from Vienna Design Week 2013 should be from a Passionswege project. Passionswege

Werkstadt Vienna Milan Design Week 2013

Although as a general rule we don’t want to think about Vienna Design Week during Milan Design Week – as

Vienna Design Week 2012 Van Bo Le-Mentzel Hartz IV Furniture Workshop Wien Museum

Before we pack up our Yurt and leave Vienna Design Week 2012 to move on to design pastures new, a

Vienna Design Week Passionswege 2012 Mathias Hahn Staud’s Wien

A few years ago the phrase “food design” suddenly started cropping up a lot. It’s the sort of phrase that

Vienna Design Week 2012 Croatian Holiday 2012

We missed “Croatian Holiday 2012” when it was originally shown in Milan, and so were suitably pleased to find it

Vienna Design Week Passionswege 2012 Daphna Laurens at Wittmann Möbelwerkstätten

Pretty much ever since we first saw Tafelstukken by Daphna Laurens at DMY Berlin 2010 we’ve had a bit of

Vienna Design Week 2012: Misfits Revisited - Create your own Thonet

Was it not Pulp who in 1995 prophesied that the world would soon be dominated and controlled by mis-shapes, mistakes

Vienna Design Week 2012 Mathak Mahlknecht Best by about built-in obsolescence

The outer edges of the (smow)blog galaxy recently witnessed some pretty ugly scenes. A new, Windows Seven, laptop was bought.

Vienna Design Week Passionswege 2012 Matylda Krzykowski Norbert Meier Norbert Meier Brushmaker and Petz Horn Manufacturer

Do we need to repeat why we are such committed fans of the annual Vienna Design Week Passionswege programme? We

Vienna Design Week Passionswege Beza Projekt Atelier Telliez

One of our favourite projects during Vienna Design Week was the Passionswege project “The Swing” by Warsaw based Beza Projekt

Vienna Design Week Passionswege Tomas Kral Mühlbauer Hutmanufaktur

Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best. Commissioned to undertake a Vienna Design Week Passionswege project with Viennese hat maker

Vienna Design Week Passionswege Konstantin Schmölzer Verdarium

We seem to remember getting really annoyed once by the number of platform seats on display at European design events.

Vienna Design Week Global Village WAGNER WERK Museum

Back in the 80s there was nothing Hannibal Smith liked more than when a plan came together. Obviously we don’t

Vienna Design Week kidsroomZOOM

One of the most original, and entertaining, exhibitions at Vienna Design Week 2011 was kidsroomZOOM. Curated by Paola Noè from

Vienna Design Week Ljod Cool Furniture by Copa three legged stool

There is nothing a newspaper sub-editor loves more than photos of an ice sculpting contest: blue sky, shimmering ice, chainsaws.

Vienna Design Week Passionswege J L Lobmeyr Wien

We traditionally start our Vienna Design Week Passionswege tour at J. & L. Lobmeyr. And it is always an appointment

october 2011

We’ve long since accepted that there are more design weeks in a year than actual weeks. But we still can’t

The similarities between Vienna and Stockholm are not limited to the architecture per se. But also to the architects who

Although it does now seem like half a lifetime ago … we were in Vienna for the Design Week, did

Every year the Vienna Design Week places a special focus on one district of Vienna. This year it was Hernals.

” …. says Erwin Perzy III. He is the third generation of family snow globe makers. His grandfather invented the

The first station on the 2010 Vienna Design Week Passionswege was “Reichtum. Wasser + Glas” by Berlin designer Mark Braun

As any football fan or star-crossed lover knows only too well: passion means suffering. In Christian theology “The Passion” is

Ask most people to name a Danish furniture designer and they will probably reply Verner Panton or Arne Jacobsen. Ask

We didn’t make it to SaloneSatellite at this years Milan furniture fair. We we’re, somewhat ironically, to busy getting wound