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Nait Double Bed
Flai Wardrobe
Bulb Wall Hooks
Marselis Table Lamp
Flai storage bench
Spaze Bed
Flai Home Office
Flai Bed
Tray with Felt
Side tray
Bedside Table No. 5


The name of the German design office kaschkasch is composed of the surnames of the two designers Florian KAllus and Sebastian SCHneider, who became acquainted during their studies in Münster and founded their own office upon graduation. Since then, they have been following the common predilection for straightforward, simple designs that are logical in their handling and by no means "only" decoration. True to the motto "maximize the minimum", every design is reduced to its essential components. Colour is used only accentuated and often goes with material selection. The attention to detail is an essential part of every kaschkasch design philosophy. During their five years of existence, kaschkasch have already cooperated with manufacturers such as Schönbuch, Normann Copenhagen and Müller Small Living.

Florian Kallus and Sebastian Schneider a.k.a. kaschkasch

More about 'kaschkasch' in our journal

Passagen Design Week Cologne 2017: 5 Years kaschkasch

...With the exhibition 5 Years kaschkasch Florian Kallus and Sebastian Schneider aka studio kaschkasch celebrate, well, five years of studio kaschkasch... 5 Years kaschkasch The foundations for kaschkasch were laid by Florian Kallus and Sebastian Schneider in context of a joint graduation project at the Akademie für Gestaltung Münster, and became reality with the opening of their own studio in Cologne in 2011...

Cologne Creative: kaschkasch

...a design studio kaschkasch before they were kaschkasch, when they were just Akademie für Gestaltung Münster students Florian Kallus and Sebastian Schneider... Florian and Sebastian graduated in 2011 and subsequently moved to Cologne where they established kaschkasch in a former saddlery in the pleasingly unhip Zollstock district of the city and from where they have realised furniture and lighting design projects for international manufacturers as varied as, amongst others, Zeitraum, Normann Copenhagen, Bolia or Müller Möbelwerkstätten...

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