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Buchstabler extension
Musikstabler extension

Tom Fischer

Thomas "Tom" Fischer initially worked as a chef in renowned, star rate restaurants, before studying design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg. Since 2000, he has been designing curiosities in his own design office: Cocon, the personal paravent for the large office, ChiLiSpok - a lamp for the dark in full chip packs or SLIPER, an amorphous mooring for the 10-minute powernap at the desk. In 2008, he founded the furniture brand Fischerundfritze, through which he, for example, brought out the 361 ° tower, which is produced regionally and climate-responsibly and was awarded the iF Product Design Award. In addition, he developed the so-called Buchstabler and Musikstabler storage sytems, both of which can be assembled individually, for Nils Holger Moormann.

Designer Tom Fischer