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Kevi 2533
Kevi Air
Kevi 2063 Lounge
Kevi 2533J Kids
Kevi 2060

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Stuhl Kevi

The Danish designer furniture manufacturer Engelbrechts has set itself the goal of designing sustainable furniture: the company being fully aware of its responsibility towards the customer and the importance of remaining true to its values within its production processes. In addition environmental responsibility is particularly important in context of resources and in terms of resources usage and waste production: here strict attention is paid to meeting internationally applicable standards, annual monitoring ensuring that such is met. Thus with a combination of carefully chosen materials and conscientious production methods, Engelbrecht pursues the goal of manufacturing office chairs, whose long-term durability, aesthetics and ergonomics prove the value of their approach over more "disposable furniture".

smow sells exclusively originals from licensed manufacturers and is an official trading partner of Engelbrechts.