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Laccio Table
Wassily Chair
Barcelona Stool Relax
Barcelona Chair Relax
Wassily Chair Bauhaus Edition
Special Edition
Barcelona Stool
Barcelona Chair
MR Coffee Table
Flat Bat Brno Chair
MR Chair
Barcelona Relax Day Bed
Barcelona Day Bed
MR Lounge Chair Bauhaus Edition
MR Chaise longue Bauhaus Edition

Knoll and Bauhaus

Mies van der Rohes MR Chair & MR Chaise Longue in the exclusive Bauhaus Edition

The history of the American manufacturer Knoll International is inextricably linked to that of the Bauhaus, and in the context of the 100th anniversary of the institution of particular relevance. Company founder Hans Knoll's father, Walter Knoll, was one of the first German furniture manufacturers to cooperate with the new generation of architects and designers, including furnishing apartments for Mies van er Rohe in the Weissenhofsiedlung Stuttgart. Hans Knoll consequently grew up along the Bauhaus movement - and with it many of its most important pioneers, such as Walter Gropius, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Marcel Breuer. Hans Knoll's vision was to produce furniture in that spirit in America, and in the designer and interior designer Florence Schust, who had worked with Walter Gropius and studied at the legendary Cranbrook College, he found the perfect partner. Business and personal - the two married in 1946. Florence Knoll was initially responsible for the Knoll Planning Unit, and following Hans death in 1955 led Knoll International. Designs from the Bauhaus era, such as Marcel Breuer's Wassily Lounge Chair or Mies van der Rohe's Barcelona Chair, form the design-theoretical foundation of Knoll International and one of the most important sections in the company's history. Based on the Bauhaus ideals, Knoll International developed and expanded its program to become one of the leading designer furniture manufacturers, and to write its own chapter in design history.

Original Barcelona Chair from Knoll

The Bauhaus classic: Marcel Breuer's Wassily Chair

Knoll celebrates the 100th anniversary of Bauhaus

As part of the anniversary program "100 Years Bauhaus", numerous exhibitions, events and celebrations will take place in 2019 under the motto "Rediscovering the world". In cooperation with regional and international partners, the Bauhaus Association invites you to explore the history and influence of the Bauhaus and to understand its impact on our society today. Among the many events Knoll International celebrated Bauhaus on its exhibition stand at IMM Cologne, a stand designed by Rem Koolhas as a tribute to the Bauhaus. In addition Knoll have released a limited edition of the legendary Barcelona Chair by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in a stylish Bauhaus leather edition as well as exclusive Bauhaus editions of Mies van der Rohe's MR Chaise Longue and MR Armchair, both of which are guaranteed to make the hearts of Bauhaus fans skip a beat!

Ludwig Mies van der Rohes MR Chaise Longue will be available in 2019 in a Knoll Bauhaus Edition

More about 'Bauhaus' in our blog

Lucia Moholy: Exposures at Kunsthalle Praha

...2 A journey that includes stops in, for example, and amongst others, Weimar where Lucia and László moved in 1923 in context of László's appointment to the teaching staff at Bauhaus Weimar, and where, and as discussed from Lucia Moholy – The Image of Modernity at the Bröhan Museum, Berlin, early dabblings in photography, and early considerations that photography could, possibly, be a medium to which she, potentially, was particularly well suited, developed - sorry!... but we've got it out the way now, needn't return to it - developed into a profession, arguably a passion; a passion and a profession which, again arguably, was her primary creative occupation at first Bauhaus Weimar and subsequently at Bauhaus Dessau, be that in terms of photographing the works of students and the workshops, or in terms of photographing the buildings, for all those in Dessau, photos of buildings and works that, again as discussed from The Image of Modernity, for all that they are documentations of the buildings and works, and, certainly in terms of the works are today often the only version still in existence, the only surviving record, only documentation, they are also very much photographs that define and understand photography as more than just direct reproduction, as more than a still life or a landscape à la painting...

Bauhaus and National Socialism at Klassik Stiftung Weimar

...From the Bauhaus Museum Weimar you can see the Buchenwald concentration camp; from the Bauhaus Museum Weimar you can exactly locate the violence and inhumanity of the NSDAP... However from Bauhaus Weimar and Bauhaus Dessau and Bauhaus Berlin locating the NSDAP is a lot less straightforward; from the Bauhauses seeing the NSDAP is not as simple, the view towards the NSDAP being as it is partially hidden, lightly distorted, unfocussed, by the mists of an unquestioned post-War narrative...

Berlin Design Week 2024 Compact: Rowac

By the time the Peter-Behrens-Bau was inaugurated in 1917 Robert Wagner’s Rowac Schemel, one of the earliest seating objects crafted from lightweight sheet steel, had been on the market for almost a decade. If it was used in the workshops and offices of the...

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for May 2024 "Lucia Moholy: Exposures" at Kunsthalle Praha, Czech Republic As noted from the Bröhan Museum, Berlin's, exhibition Lucia Moholy – The Image of Modernity, Moholy is not only an instructive example of how, why, so many inter-War female creatives slipped into an unjust anonymity, nor only an informative individual in context of how Bauhaus as an institution functioned on a daily basis, both during its existences and following its ultimate demise, but for all Lucia Moholy is an instructive and informative and interesting creative who should play a much more prominent role in contemporary dialogues and discourses than she currently does... brussels "Bauhaus and National Socialism" at Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Germany As oft noted in these dispatches, perhaps most directly in context of the Stadtmuseum Weimar's exhibition Mathilde von Freytag-Loringhoven...

Lucia Moholy – The Image of Modernity at the Bröhan Museum, Berlin

...1 The photographs in question being of and from the Weimar and Dessau Bauhauses, photos which played, and continue to play, a not unimportant role in mediating Bauhaus to a wider audience... With Lucia Moholy – The Image of Modernity the Bröhan Museum, Berlin, help explain how such a situation came to be, why Lucia Moholy's lament is both justified and an important lesson, and also how it relates to popular understandings of Bauhaus...

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